Campus Life

What is Comedy? Comedian speaks in Humor Communications

What makes humor different for everyone? How is it defined? Why do some think that wiping out on a bicycle is funny, and some think that it isn't?

In Jerry Drye's humor communication class, students are trying to define humor, and what better way to find out than to have a comedian come to class!

Comedian Karen Mills was invited to speak to the class. She gave engaging insight on what humor means to her and how it got her through a tough time - overcoming ovarian cancer. 

"She was really cool", said Chase Starkley, "I thought it was cool to talk to someone experienced in the field of comedy. It is great to get feedback and direction if I were to get into this field, and not to mention, she was hilarious in general!"

Students in the class are learning that with a positive mind, humor can be anything from wiping out on bicycles, to making the best out of a difficult topic - a skill that will last them a lifetime.

posted 02/14/2017 in Academics



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